アンバチョウ選手(エチオピア難民) 1万メートル走で優勝する 2002 ウイーン
Dear Mr. Matsuki,
Thanks for the email.I am really happy to hear from you.it has been long
since I heard from you,and thanks for the breaking silence.
I think you will be happy to hear about my situation and the purpose of my
living in Austria.let me say it briefly. I seek asylum in Austria and
my case is in the process under Austrian asylum office.I was out of the care
of the government care for the last 8 months and I was having hard
experience even for survive but because of the help of God and my positive
thinking?with hard struggling wiz out any fear of any circumstance lastly I
make it to get where to sleep and what to eat with full of life insurance and
for any needs .I blamed the government by amnesty international and I got legal
adviser(oyer)to follow up all the case and they are dealing with my case
honestly.eve for my political case I will win it and get the asylum in this
country.I hope so.may be citizenship with in short of time coz I have honest
genuine case which could allows me to get so .