
アンバチョウ選手(エチオピア難民) 1万メートル走で優勝する 2002 ウイーン
Dear Mr. Matsuki,
Thanks for the email.I am really happy to hear from you.it has been long
since I heard from you,and thanks for the breaking silence.
I think you will be happy to hear about my situation and the purpose of my
living in Austria.let me say it briefly. I seek asylum in Austria and
my case is in the process under Austrian asylum office.I was out of the care
of the government care for the last 8 months and I was having hard
experience even for survive but because of the help of God and my positive
thinking?with hard struggling wiz out any fear of any circumstance lastly I
make it to get where to sleep and what to eat with full of life insurance and
for any needs .I blamed the government by amnesty international and I got legal
adviser(oyer)to follow up all the case and they are dealing with my case
honestly.eve for my political case I will win it and get the asylum in this
country.I hope so.may be citizenship with in short of time coz I have honest
genuine case which could allows me to get so .
and I was giving all what it was taking.the last Saturday race I was
wondering by my result.coz apart from my hard surviving,there were winter
and it was hard to get used with the cold weather and the same time
keeping fit for my running career,but it wasn’t enough training I did………..
Vienna city marathon but I am not much expecting from that race but there is
another marathon which is gonna take on August or September and I will
be there?with full expectation I mean for good marathon time.
members and all the supporters?how is the project going?
the expectation ……may be one day they will fill it and they will try
them selves.if hard working is there with full patient and discipline they
will make it.if u can please don’t forget to support them as little as you
can.thanks for that.
any way let me not take your time.hope to hear from you.
- 投稿タグ
- エチオピア, 難民マラソンランナー支援